A web application will aim to be so intuitive that there is no end user manual required. But end user manuals are required for certain products, and no matter how intuitive your product is, there are always questions.
Some sort of support manual exists, but usually support manuals are too much problem oriented, and a well written product manual can be a great asset for selling your product.
Note: While we are calling it the end user manual, it’s probably not going to be exposed to end users. If it’s an open source product, sure it may be, but other companies may choose to limit the details exposed. Even for open source products, this manual may be too overwhelming for a day to day user. The point of this manual is to fully capture all product decisions (as far as the end user is concerned). A good rule of thumb is, a complete product manual will allow a competent tech team to fully re-create the functionality of the currently deployed product without talking to any product manager.
Product manual should be organised into: