Web Product

How To Organise TOC of this Subsection

We do not want the reader to jump too much, so we want things that are contextually related to show up spatially close to each other if at all possible. One way to achieve this is by following this recommendation. There are other ways possible, try to optimise for readers and use your judgement.

The top level entries of this TOC should be main categories for your site, eg “Authentication”, “Main Pages” or “Admin” etc.

If an action/API is used on only one page, or if there is one obvious main page for the action/api, it should be listed as a child of the page. Similarly if a communication is only triggered by an Action or API, it should be listed as a child of the action or the API.

Widgets are by definition reusable, so there should be a “Widgets” entry in TOC, under which all widgets should be mentioned.

Similarly there should be “Actions”, “APIs” and “Communications” entries for items that are truly reusable.